I was born on September 11, 1988 in Wuerzburg (Germany). I spent the last seven years of my life in Germany. There, I lived in a City called Cuxhaven, then in Mainz and at last in Arolsen near Kassel.
I am in the 6th grade at the Vista Hills Elementary School and must say that it is alot of fun. I also became a honor roll student in 1998, 1999 & 2000.
Besides school my parents allowed me to play football with the Eastside Rams. There I played as Offensive Tackle and Defensive Guard. I've had lots and lots of fun even with a whole bunch of bumps and bruses. I also enjoy skateboarding.
Other hobbys of mine are to play soccer, drawing, and of course TV.( mostly cartoons but also movies about space and the planets), riding my bike (if it's not flat) and roller blading.
I am always thinking about Germany and I miss my Grandma, Grandpa, Auntie Melli, Auntie Ela and Uncle Andi but I hope that we see each other again soon. I also miss my friends Fabian, Bobby and Alex from Arolsen.
I am really hoping that you like my page. If somebody wants to write me a letter, just click on the little letter-icon at the end of this page.
Oh ya! I am also into Dinosaures. Here are a couple of animated pictures for you to look at. |